viewWhat’s at issue in any enunciation is not whether it’s received but whether it can become contagious. I call insinuation — the illapsus, according to medieval philosophy — a strategy consisting in following the twists and turns of thought, the wandering words that win me over while at the same time constituting the vague terrain where their reception will establish itself. By playing on the relationship of the sign to what it refers to, by using clichés against themselves, like in caricatures, by letting the reader come closer, insinuation makes possible an encounter, an intimate presence, between the subject of the pronouncement and those who relate to the pronouncement itself. “There are passwords hidden under slogans,” write Deleuze and Guattari, “words that are pronounced as if in passing, components of a passage; whereas slogans mark points of stoppage, stratified and organized compositions.” Insinuation is the haze of theory and suits a discourse whose objective is to permit struggles against the worship of transparency, attached at its very roots to the cybernetic hypothesis.
Attacking the cybernetic hypothesis — it must be repeated — doesn’t mean just critiquing it, and counterposing a concurrent vision of the social world; it means experimenting alongside it, actuating other protocols, redesigning them from scratch and enjoying them.
— The Cybernetic Hypothesis, VII
viewExcerpts from Critical Metaphysics as a Science of Apparatuses (Tiqqun)
7.27 edit:
第 282 页居然有插画,根据图片,以下理解应该差不多是对的,除了最后还有一层—— full body without organs,在资本之后。配图见页面底部。
CG — 盖尔芒特家那边;TR — 重现的时光;AD — 女逃亡者;JF — 在少女们身旁;CS — 在斯万家那边
和之前一样,粗体和斜体是重点和高能部分,【 】里是自己的批注,( ) 标注中译本页数。写笔记过程中批注和个人理解的区别不是很明晰,所以括号外个人想法的含量也很高,请注意辨别。
之前没有把 real/actual 和情状的表达联系起来,受到这篇回复的启发,这几天补充阅读了一些资料,对这几个概念的关系有了些新的发现。
受首页友邻启发,我也准备通过做读书笔记的方法强迫自己读完整本书,并整理分享出来。手头正在读的是德勒兹的《普鲁斯特与符号》,这是一本 1964 年出版的小册子。一直以来,我都是零散地读到其片段,最近感觉有必要从头读一遍。
因原文就十分精辟,且有些晦涩难懂之处我进行了冗长的阐释,这篇笔记极长,几乎是原文的浓缩摘抄,篇幅浓缩比可能达到了 1 : 6 左右。
这本书大量引用了《追忆似水年华》,所以涉及到的版本比较复杂,作为参考的有 Athlone Press 2000 英译版、PUF 2006 法语版,中文引自上海译文姜宇辉译本,文中引用的《追忆》原文则参考中译本引用的译林出版社 2001 年李恒基、徐继曾等译本,分卷缩写如下:
CG — 盖尔芒特家那边;TR — 重现的时光。
粗体和斜体是重点和高能部分,【 】里是自己的批注,( ) 标注页数,本来 / 前为英译本,后为中译本。后来发现这本书的中英译本页码高度一致,就不做区分了。
viewWhen I was learning to write in my teens, it seemed to me that paper was a prison. Four walls, right? And the ideas were constantly trying to escape. What is a parenthesis but an idea trying to escape? What is a footnote but an idea that tried — that jumped off the cliff? Because paper enforces single sequence — and there’s no room for digression — it imposes a particular kind of order in the very nature of the structure.
— Ted Nelson, demonstration of Xanadu Space
在 Deleuze & Guattari 的写作,尤其是《千高原》中,最明显的结构是一个往复三元组:to-fro-forth,oui-non-si,root-radicle-rhizome,结域-解域-再结域,纵轴-横轴-对角线,……不过以上这些例子的图案都不同。如“结域-解域-再结域”的 Z 字形,重点在再结域时引入的那点差异。对角线则涉及到维度问题 (dimension of curve)。root-radicle-rhizome 是过渡,统一→切碎的统一→碎,或者说 n-1 的关系:
Subtract the unique from the multiplicity to be constituted; write at n – 1 dimensions.
n-1 理解起来很简单,字面意思无非是指把 n 里面的 unity 给拿掉。更进一步,用数学语言来说,这样实际上有 n-1 degrees of freedom because the last element is always uniquely determined by the others. 参见下面这个问题对矩阵自由度的解释:
linear algebra – Degrees of freedom for a matrix – Mathematics Stack Exchange
the duos
- vectorial (occupy without counting) – metric (count in order to occupy)
- smooth – striated
- problematics – theorematics
- eccentric science – royal science
- celerity – gravity
- singularity – universality
- private thinker – public professor
- aphorism – maxim
- relaying – copying
the trios
- mythos – logos – pathos (the two heads of the state versus the war machine)
- noology – ideology – counterthoughts
- sedentary – migrant (who travels back and forth between point) – nomad
- king – priest – prophet (the religious element of a war machine)
- forest – agriculture – nomad space
- lineal – territorial – numerical (human organizations)
Thought is structured neural activity.
Language is inextricable from thought and experience.
These encounters with imitative repetition can therefore include a “hesitation,” an “internal opposition,” a decision point to adopt or reject the fashion.
潮流把人卷进去,而非一个主体做了“发起和继续传递潮流”的决定。但在经过节点时,流会减速,这个减速区就是 Tarde 所定义的主体性(不是主体)。